Instrument/Duty: Ney / Singer

He was born on 17.04.1980 in Gaziantep.

After his high school education, he started taking ney lessons from Mustafa Büyükipekçi, the student of Neyzen Ömer Erdoğdular. He also benefited from Neyzen Niyâzi Sayın and Neyzen Sadreddin Özçimi.

He started giving ney lessons in ISMEK (Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Art and Vocational Education) courses in 2005. This training took 14 years.

In 2005, he started to study at Haliç University Turkish Music Basic Sciences Department with a degree.

He worked in this department for four years with very valuable teachers, Alaeddin Yavaşca, Şehnaz Uğurel, Yalçın Çetinkaya, Erol Deran, Timuçin Çevikoğlu, Çetin Körükçü, Mutlu Torun, Yücel Paşmakçı and graduated in 2009.

In 2010, he started to study for a master’s degree in Turkish Music at Haliç University, Institute of Social Sciences.

In 2012, he prepared his master’s thesis titled the differences in performance and note of three works performed by Bekir Sıtkı Sezgin.

In 2010, He performed ney in the album “Nasty Gül” prepared by Prof. Dr. Yusuf Eradam.

He founded the zuHÛrat group in 2010 and gave concerts in many countries.

Between 2013 and 2017, he gave ney lessons at Eyüp Municipality Sertârikzâde cultural center.

He participated as a ney player and soloist in the program “Take Care of Yourself” broadcast on Ülke TV and many national and private channels between 2014-2018.

He has been the art director of the “Ney Meşkler” project since 2015.

He participated as a guest in the program titled “From Time, From Place”, which was broadcast live on TRT TURK in 2016.

He participated in the Music Agenda program broadcast on TRT Music in 2017 as a guest.

Between 2016-2017, he worked as a guest ney player in the Ministry of Culture, General Directorate of Fine Arts, Edirne State Classical Turkish Music Ensemble.

In 2017, he established Sufi Meshk Ensemble.

In 2017, he made a solo ney album called “Bişnev” (ear cut) with the Origami Music label.

In 2017, he gave concerts in the city of Shkodra, Albania, with the special invitation of Yunus Emre Institute.

He has been the art director and moderator of the program “Music Talks”, which has been held within ISMEK since 2018.

In 2018, Tamburi Atilla İhtiyar performed solo ney in two works on the album “Haslet”, which was released under the label of Ahenk Music.

Since 2005, with the encouragement of his spiritual elder, Mahmed Nedim Aysoy, he has been working on compositions in many different modes and forms.

He continues to work at the “Serkan Kamacı Ney Workshop” in Üsküdar.


  • Cemal Reşit Rey/Lullaby to Lament 2006
  • Dede Efendi Evi /zuHÛrat duo 2006
  • Netherlands-Rotterdam/North Sea Jazz Festival/2007
  • Nagmedar/ Ney-Tanbur Duo 2008/2018
  • Bahçelievler Cultural Center/ Ney Recital 2009/2016
  • Morocco-Tanger-Morocco/Sufi Music Festival /2011
  • Istanbul Kultur AS/zuHÛrat concerts 2012/2013
  • Tunisia Sufi Music Festival/ 2013
  • Australia-Sydney-Melbourne/Semâ Ayin-i Şerifi/2014
  • Forty Ney One Breath/2014/2015
  • Singapore/Turkish Airlines 25th anniversary special concert/2014
  • Guitar Cafe/Ney-Tanbur Duo/2015
  • Spain-Barcelona /Ney Recital 2015
  • Gaziantep Mevlevihanesi/Love in Mevlevihane/Ney-Tanbur duo/2015
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Greece,
  • Bulgaria, Albania in the Balkans /Bereket Convoy 2013
  • Bakırköy Cem Karaca Cultural Center/Semâ Ayin-i Şerifi/ 2016/ 2017/ 2018
  • America -Newyork-Miami /Carnegie Library Music Hall /Turkish Music Festival/2015/2016
  • 15 July Public concerts/ Gaziantep City Square 2017
  • Atatürk Cultural Center Büyükçekmece /Semâ Ayin-i Şerifi/ 2016-2017/2018/2019
  • Atatürk Cultural Center / Uşak / Nây’ı Şerif 2017 Kağıthane Municipality/ Contemporary Hymns/ 2017
  • Italy-Florence/Festival Del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino/2017
  • India-Delhi-Agra-Mumbai/Sufi Music Festival/2015/2016/2017/2018
  • Küçükçekmece Municipality/Ney-Tanbur Duo (Furkan Resuloğlu)2018
  • Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality/ Neyler-Defler/ 2018
  • Sheb-i Arus artistic director and Ramadan Hymns concert in Silivri Municipality / 2021